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Стрит Воркаут (Street Workout) - уличные тренировки
Street '''Воркаут''' - это тренировка, которая проводится в парках и других общественных объектах. Изначально возник в Древней Греции, сейчас воркаут стал популярным движением в России, Восточной Европе<ref> "Why is street workout is a physical activity performed mostly so popular in outdoor parks or public facilitiesEast Europe? - Quora". It originated in Ancient Greece, but became a https://www.quora.com/Calisthenics/Calisthenics-Why-is-street-workout-so-popular movement -in Russia, Eastern -East-Europe</ref> и США,[1] and the United States, especially in New York City's urban neighborhoodsособенно в Нью-Йорке<ref>"On Street Workout".[2] It has now spread all over the worldhttp://pccblog. It is a combination of athletics, calisthenics, and sportsdragondoor.[3] Street com/on-street-workout is a modern name for bodyweight workouts in outdoor parks/ </ref>. '''Воркаут''' - это сочетание легкой атлетики, художественной гимнастики и спорта<ref>"CALISTHENICS - Street workout teams and organized competitions existWorkout Academy". http://streetworkoutacademy.com/calisthenics/#</ref>.
A typical street workout routine often consists of physical exercises such as pull-upsВоркаут тренировки часто состоят из следующих физических упражнений: подтягивания, подтягивания до подбородка, отжимания, выход силой и приседания. Также тренировки включают статические (изометрические) упражнения: планка, горизонтальный упор, chin-ups"Крокодил", push-ups"Ласточка", dipsпередний вис, muscle-upsуголок, sitфлаг<ref>https://www.street-ups and squatsworkouts. Street workout also involves some static (com/tag/isometric) holds such as the human flag, front lever, back lever and planche-exercises/</ref>.[4]
Street workout can be divided in two branches, one being strength training and the other dynamics. Strength training includes the isometric holds like: planche, front lever, back lever, etc. Also, strength training includes single arm pull ups, hefestos, muscle-ups and many others. Dynamics includes movements like 360's and its variations, switchblades, and an incredible variety of tricks developed by the athletes which are connected with other moves in order to create routines or sets.
