
Спорт-вики — википедия научного бодибилдинга


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Бета-аланин: научный обзор

1 байт добавлено, 7 лет назад
*De Salles P.V., Roschel H., de Jesus F. et al. The ergogenic effect of beta-alanine combined with sodium bicarbonate on high-intensity swimming performance. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. 2013, 38(5):525–532.
*De Salles P.V., Saunders B., Sale C. et al. Influence of training status on high-intensity intermittent performance in response to b-alanine supplementation. Amino Acids, 2014, 46:1207–1215.
*De Vries H.A., Tichy M.W., Housh T.J. et al. A method for estimating physical working capacity at the fatigue threshold (PWCFT). Ergonomics. 1987, 30(8):1195-1204.
*Ducker K.J., Dawson B., Wallman K.E. Effect of Beta alanine and sodium bicarbonate supplementation on repeated-sprint performance. J. Strength Cond. Res. 2013, 27(12):3450–3460.
*Gardner M.L., Illingworth K.M., Kelleher J., Wood D. Intestinal absorption of the intact peptide carnosine in man, and comparison with intestinal permeability to lactulose. J. Physiol. 1991, 439(1):411–422.
