Спорт-вики — википедия научного бодибилдинга

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Фрагмент обсуждения из Обсуждение:HGH Frag (176-191)
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Вот исследование на людях - рандомизированное, двойное слепое, плацебо-контролируемое.


tl;dr: Results: AOD9604 had no effect on serum IGF-1 levels, which confirms the hypothesis that AOD9604 does not act via IGF-1. Results of oral glucose tolerance test demonstrated that, in contrast with hGH, AOD9604 has no negative effect on carbohydrate metabolism. There were no anti-AOD9604 antibodies detected in any of the patients selected for antibody assay. In none of the studies did a withdrawal or serious adverse event occur related to intake of AOD9604.

05:17, 13 декабря 2013