
Спорт-вики — википедия научного бодибилдинга


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*[[Провирон]] на ПКТ принимается как [[андроген]] в случае проблем с потенцией из-за нехватки тестостерона. Однако, не нужно забывать, что Провирон (Местеролон) - это производное от дигидротестостерона. Хоть в википедии и спортсвики написано, что [[дигидротестостерон]] (ДГТ) не подавляет выработку [[Гормоны гипофиза и гипоталамуса|ЛГ]], на самом деле это не так. Во всех МЕДИЦИНСКИХ статьях по функционированию гормональной системы которые я видел, ясно указывается, что ДГТ пусть и в меньшей степени чем Тестостерон, но влияет на выработку [[Гонадолиберин]]а и ЛГ, поэтому с большой долей вероятности можно утверждать, что прием провирона на ПКТ может затруднять процесс восстановления собственного тестостерона.
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 Профессионалы - новички (различия)ДозыКомбинации безопаснееПостепенная отменаВосстановлениеПептиды, блокаторы кортизола, ГРЗащита сердцаТренинг, диета, спортивное питание Комбинация или солоАнаболическая активность - 150% от тестостеронаАндрогенная активность - 30% от тестостеронаАроматизация (конверсия в эстрогены) - минимальнаяТоксичность для печени - низкаяСпособ приема - инъекцииПродолжительность действия - 15 сутокРекомендуемая доза - 200-400 мг в неделю Прогестерон, пролактин  19-nortestosterone, also known as nandrolone, is a SARM. Nandrolone is 5-alpha reduced to form 5-dihydro metabolites that bind weakly to the androgen receptor in tissues such as the prostate, seminal vesicles and the scalp. On the other hand, nandrolone binds strongly to the AR in skeletal muscle where there is no 5-alpha reductase activity. Therefore, nandrolone is more potent in skeletal muscle so we say it is selective for skeletal muscle. Dihydrotestosterone is also a SARM. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) binds very strongly to the AR in the prostate but is deactivated to 3-alpha hydroxymetabolites in skeletal muscle which are inactive. This means that dihydrotestosterone is a selective activator of the prostate. In one study, nandrolone was shown to have an anabolic/androgenic ratio of 390/39 meaning that it is ten-fold selective for skeletal muscle over the prostate. DHT was shown to have an anabolic/androgenic ratio of 152/268 meaning that it is about 1.75 fold selective for the prostate over skeletal muscle. Non-steroidal SARMS are also different in that they are pure androgen receptor activators. That is, they do not interact with many of the other targets that steroidal androgens modulate such as, the progesterone receptor, 11-beta hydroxylase, the estrogen receptor through aromatization, aromatase, or the other non-AR targets.   http[[Категория://www.anabolicsteroids-hormoneknowledge-bigmuscles-drugs.com/dihydrotestosterone.html  basically DHT (dyhydrotestosterone) is an active metabolite of testosterone. When test is metabolized in the body it forms this adrogenic hormone. DHT derived drugs were created by isolating the DHT compound. The DHT derived drug then gives the isolated androgenic benefits without the unwanted sides associated with straight test. For example, Halo or even Primo... DHT's and offer strength, muscle hardness, and vascularity without the water retention, bloat, or estro conversion sides. The down side is most DHT's don't result in significant muscle hypertrophy. Hence the reason most are used as cutters or contest prep.  http://www.superiormuscle.com/forums/anabolic-steroids/6943-dht-derived-steroids-not-so-bad-hair-loss Finasteride and Dutesteride The following is a list as compiled from Anthony Roberts Ultimate Research Guide:  Testosterone derived steroids:Anabolicum vaster, Andriol, Androderm, Androgel, Andropen 275, Deposterona, Dianabol, Drive, Equilon 100, Equipoise, Halotestin, Megagrisevit-Mono, Methandriol, Methyltestosterone, Myagen, Omnadren, Turinabol, Spectriol, Sten, Sustanon 250, Test 400, Testolent, Testosterone cyclohexylpropionate, Testosterone cypionate, Testosterone enanthate, Testosterone propionate, Testosterone suspension, Testoviron. DHT-derived steroids:Anadrol, Anavar, Andractrim, Masteron propionate, Masteron enanthate, Miotolan, Primobolan, Proviron, Winstrol. 19-Nor Test derived:Trenbolone Acetate, Trenbolone Enanthate, Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, Nandrolone Decanoate, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate.    Most of the synthetic agents, including Anavar, Primobolan, Winstrol, Anadrol and trenbolone, are unaffected by Avodart or finasteride due to the fact that they do not interact with the reductase enzyme. Nandrolone-based drugs also tend to become stronger in the face of a reductase inhibitor, as 5-alpha reduction causes them to get weaker, not stronger, like testosterone-based drugs. Avodart will increase the chance for hair loss with these drugs. Bottom line, if balding were a concern, I'd be looking to nandrolone first, myself, before experimenting with testosterone and reductase inhibitors. Should I find nandrolones to be comfortable in this regard, maybe then I would venture out into the testosterone and Avodart combination. Then again, you can just say, "Screw it!" and shave your head. You'll be done with all your worries. If you already have active hair loss (a genetic predisposition for it) and insist on taking a lot of gear, you'll probably wind up there soon enough, anyway.   "DHT derived" is a very broad classification. Just because an androgen has some structural components identical to another androgen(in this case the 5a-hydrogen, or if you want to be even more specific the c19 as well), does not mean their biological activities will be the same or similar. In fact some "dht derivatives" may act the complete opposite of dht(5a-reduced antiandrogen for example.)  Test is quoted to be the best through gyms, as it generally provides the gamut of size and strength as well or better than any other anabolic steroid. The down side to test is the emergence of side effects such as gynecomastia due to estrogen conversion of hair loss due to androgenic affects. There are anabolic steroids that are DHT derived, rather than testosterone derived, such as Masteron, Primobolan and ironically oxandrolone. These anabolic steroids are typically used during pre-contest phases or by models, actors, poser seeking a hard dry physique.DHT-derived steroids are not known for being mass builders or for being very efficient for strength increases. Aside from oxandrolone, DHT-derived steroids typically have more pronounced androgenic side effects. Female bodybuilders and athletes who use/abuse anabolic steroids typically avoid these due to risk of voice deepening, facial hair and other "male like" changes.  Yet, DHT is more tightly bound to the carrier protein sex hormones- binding globulin that circulates through the blood stream, rendering it inactive.   ketoconazol (nizoral) is not only a anti-fungal, but also an anti-androgen which prevents binding of dihydrotestosterone to the folicle, different from a 5-AR product which stops dihydrotestosterone from being made in the first place. Nioxin is said to clean excess dihydrotestosterone from the folicle. I have not seen any effect from either of these...ive been off juice for a good 3 weeks and still recovering, but i have TE and since it is not caused by dihydrotestosterone, products will have no effect. Look for a characteristic white bulb on the end of the hair, this is common for TE. Also, rapid acute shedding is most likely not MPB (it is more long term shrinking of the folicle causing thinner hair and eventually folicle closure and no regrowth). proscarФармакология]]
