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Brutal Anadrol (Biotech)

901 байт добавлено, 9 лет назад
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**Экстракт [[Мукуна жгучая|мукуны жгучей]]
*“'''Tri-Sterostic'''” - 500мг.
**Bada Gokhru (Pedalium murex L.)<ref>V Rajashekar, E Upender Rao, and Srinivas P. Biological activities and medicinal properties of Gokhru (Pedalium murex L.). Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. Jul 2012; 2(7): 581–585. doi: 10.1016/S2221-1691(12)60101-4</ref><ref>Testosterone level rise from Pedalium murex may be permanent - http://www.ergo-log.com/testosterone-level-rise-from-pedalium-murex.html</ref>**Puncture Vine <small>(вид [[Tribulus terrestris]])</small><ref>Flowering Plants of the Santa Monica Mountains, Nancy Dale, 2nd Ed., 2000, p. 200</ref><ref>"[http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxon.pl?100965 Tribulus terrestris information from NPGS/GRIN]". www.ars-grin.gov. Retrieved 2008-03-18.</ref>**Caltrop <small>(вид Tribulus terrestris)</small><ref>"Tribulus terrestris information from NPGS/GRIN"</ref>
**Yellow Vine
**Goathead <small>(вид Tribulus terrestris)</small><ref>"Tribulus terrestris information from NPGS/GRIN"</ref>
**[[Tribulus terrestris]]
*“'''Strerenzin'''” - 1000мкг.
*[[Epozine O2 NT от BSN]] {{Scam}}
*[[Anabol 5]] {{Scam}}
 == Отзывы ==*http://otzovik.com/reviews/testosteron_biotech_brutal_anadrol_90_caps/ == Источники == <references/>[[Категория:Спортивное_питание]][[Категория:Набор_массы]]
