
Спорт-вики — википедия научного бодибилдинга


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Тесты для оценки выносливости

65 байт убрано, 7 лет назад
/* Тест СоренсенаAlaranta, H. Nondynamometric trunk performance tests: reliability and normative data / H. Alaranta, H. Hurri, M. Heliovaara, A. Soukka, R. Harju // Scand. J. Rehabil. Med. — 1994. — №26, —P.211-5.Dedering, A. Betw…
<p>132 и более</p></td></tr>
===== Тест Соренсена<ref name="B126" /><ref>Alaranta, H. Nondynamometric trunk performance tests: reliability and normative data / H. Alaranta, H. Hurri, M. Heliovaara, A. Soukka, R. Harju // Scand. J. Rehabil. Med. — 1994. — №26, —P.211-5.</ref><ref>Dedering, A. Between-days reliability of subjective and objective assessments of back extensor muscle fatigue in subjects without lower-back pain / A. Dedering, M. Roos af Hjelmsater, B. Elfv-ing, K. Harms-Ringdahl, G. Nemeth // J. Electromyogr. Kinesiol. — 2000. — № 10. — P. 151-8.</ref><ref>Dedering, A. Correlation between electromyographic spectral changes and subjective assessment of lumbar muscle fatigue in subjects without pain from the lower back / A. Dedering, G. Nemeth, K. Harms-Ringdahl // Clin. Biomech. (Bristol, Avon). — 1999. —№ 14. — P. 103-11.</ref><ref>Demoulin, С. Spinal muscle evaluation using the Sorensen test: a critical appraisal of the literature / C. Demoulin, M. Vanderthommen, C. Duysens, J.M. Crielaard // Joint Bone Spine. — 2006. — № 73. — P. 43-50. doi: 10.1016/j.jbspin.2004.08.002.</ref><ref>Gibbons, L.E. Determinants of isokinetic and psychophysical lifting strength and static back muscle endurance: a study of male monozygotic twins / L.E. Gibbons, T. Videman, M.C. Battie // Spine. — 1997. — № 22. — P. 2983-90.</ref><ref>Latimer, J. The reliability and validity of the Biering-Sorensen test in asymptomatic subjects and subjects reporting current or previous nonspecific low back pain / J. Latimer, C.G. Maher, K. Refshauge, I. Colaco // Spine. — 1999. — № 24. — R 2085-90.</ref><ref>Mannion, A.R The influence of muscle fiber size and type distribution on electromyographic measures of back muscle fatigability / A.R Mannion, G.A. Dumas, J.M. Stevenson, R.G. Cooper // Spine. — 1998. — № 23. — P. 576-84.</ref><ref>Mayer, J.M. Electromyographic activity of the lumbar extensor muscles: effect of angle and hand position during Roman chair exercise / J.M. Mayer, J.E. Graves, V.L. Robertson, E.A. Pierra, J.L. Verna, L.L. Ploutz-Snyder // Arch. Phys. Med. Rehabil. — 1999. — №80. — P. 751-5.</ref><ref>Ng, J.K. Electromyographic amplitude and frequency changes in the iliocostalis lumborum and multifidus muscles during a trunk holding test / Ng J.K., C.A. Richardson, G.A. Jull // Phys. Ther. — 1997. — № 77. — P.954-61.</ref><ref> Ng, J.K. Reliability of electromyographic power spectral analysis of back muscle endurance in healthy subjects / J.K. Ng, C.A. Richardson // Arch. Phys. Med. Rehabil. — 1996. — № 77. — P. 259-64.</ref><ref>Simmonds, M.J. Psychometric characteristics and clinical usefulness of physical performance tests in patients with low back pain / M.J. Simmonds, S.L. Olson, S. Jones, T. Hussein, C.E. Lee, D. Novy, et al. // Spine. — 1998. — № 23. — P. 2412-21.</ref><ref>Suter, Е. Back muscle fatigability is associated with knee extensor inhibition in subjects with low back pain / E. Suter, D. Lindsay // Spine. — 2001. — № 26. — P. E361-E366.</ref> [85, 113, 114, 116, 126, 131, 157, 162, 165, 174, 175, 190, 195] =====
[[Image:Testirovanie154.jpg|250px|thumb|right|Рисунок 23. Тест Соренсена]]
Тест направлен на оценку силовой выносливости мышц, выпрямляющих позвоночник, а также широчайших мышц спины, ягодичных мышц и двуглавых мышц бедра в изометрическом режиме мышечной работы<ref name="B82" />.
